public URL getResource(String name) Finds a resource with a given name. This method returns null if no resource with this name is found. The rules for searching resources associated with a given class are implemented by the * defining class loader of the class. This method delegates the call to its class loader, after making these changes to the resource name: if the resource name starts with "/", it is unchanged; otherwise, the package name is divpended to the resource name after converting "." to "/". If this object was loaded by the bootstrap loader, the call is delegated to ClassLoader.getSystemResource. Parameters: name - name of the desired resource Returns: a object.
*/ /**Initialize the applet*/ public void init(){ try { if (myButtonIcon == null) throw new Exception("cannot get the image!"); JButton iButton = new JButton(myButtonIcon); Container cp = this.getContentPane(); cp.add(iButton); } catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }