正则表达式最早是由数学家Stephen Kleene于1956年提出,他是在对自然语言的递增研究成果的基础上提出来的。具有完整语法的正则表达式使用在字符的格式匹配方面上,后来被应用到熔融信息技术领域。自从那时起,正则表达式经过几个时期的发展,现在的标准已经被ISO(国际标准组织)批准和被Open Group组织认定。
许多程序中都使用了正则表达式,包括xsh,egrep,sed,vi以及在UNIX平台下的程序。它们可以被很多语言采纳,如HTML 和XML,这些采纳通常只是整个标准的一个子集。
比你想象的还要普通 随着正则表达式移植到交叉平台的程序语言的发展,这的功能也日益完整,使用也逐渐广泛。网络上的搜索引擎使用它,e-mail程序也使用它,即使你不是一个UNIX程序员,你也可以使用规则语言来简化你的程序而缩短你的开发时间。
正则表达式101 很多正则表达式的语法看起来很相似,这是因为你以前你没有研究过它们。通配符是RE的一个结构类型,即重复操作。让我们先看一看ERE标准的最通用的基本语法类型。为了能够提供具有特定用途的范例,我将使用几个不同的程序。
Table A: Character-matching regular exdivssions 操作 解释 例子 结果 . Match any one character grep .ord sample.txt Will match “ford”, “lord”, “2ord”, etc. in the file sample.txt. [ ] Match any one character listed between the brackets grep [cng]ord sample.txt Will match only “cord”, “nord”, and “gord” [^ ] Match any one character not listed between the brackets grep [^cn]ord sample.txt Will match “lord”, “2ord”, etc. but not “cord” or “nord” grep [a-zA-Z]ord sample.txt Will match “aord”, “bord”, “Aord”, “Bord”, etc. grep [^0-9]ord sample.txt Will match “Aord”, “aord”, etc. but not “2ord”, etc.
重复操作符 重复操作符,或数量词,都描述了查找一个特定字符的次数。它们常被用于字符匹配语法以查找多行的字符,可参见表B。
Table B: Regular exdivssion repetition operators 操作 解释 例子 结果 ? Match any character one time, if it exists egrep “?erd” sample.txt Will match “berd”, “herd”, etc. and “erd” * Match declared element multiple times, if it exists egrep “n.*rd” sample.txt Will match “nerd”, “nrd”, “neard”, etc. + Match declared element one or more times egrep “[n]+erd” sample.txt Will match “nerd”, “nnerd”, etc., but not “erd” {n} Match declared element exactly n times egrep “[a-z]{2}erd” sample.txt Will match “cherd”, “blerd”, etc. but not “nerd”, “erd”, “buzzerd”, etc. {n,} Match declared element at least n times egrep “.{2,}erd” sample.txt Will match “cherd” and “buzzerd”, but not “nerd” {n,N} Match declared element at least n times, but not more than N times egrep “n[e]{1,2}rd” sample.txt Will match “nerd” and “neerd”
锚 锚是指它所要匹配的格式,如图C所示。使用它能方便你查找通用字符的合并。例如,我用vi行编辑器命令:s来代表substitute,这一命令的基本语法是:
Table C: Regular exdivssion anchors 操作 解释 例子 结果 ^ Match at the beginning of a line s/^/blah / Inserts “blah “ at the beginning of the line $ Match at the end of a line s/$/ blah/ Inserts “ blah” at the end of the line \< Match at the beginning of a word s/\</blah/ Inserts “blah” at the beginning of the word egrep “\<blah” sample.txt Matches “blahfield”, etc. \> Match at the end of a word s/\>/blah/ Inserts “blah” at the end of the word egrep “\>blah” sample.txt Matches “soupblah”, etc. \b Match at the beginning or end of a word egrep “\bblah” sample.txt Matches “blahcake” and “countblah” \B Match in the middle of a word egrep “\Bblah” sample.txt Matches “sublahper”, etc.
Res中的另一可便之处是间隔(或插入)符号。实际上,这一符号相当于一个OR语句并代表 |