<biography> <name><first_name>Alan</first_name> <last_name>Turing</last_name> </name> was one of the first people to truly deserve the name <emphasize>computer scientist</emphasize>. Although his contributions to the field are too numerous to list, his best-known are the eponymous <emphasize>Turing Test</emphasize> and <emphasize>Turing Machine</emphasize>.
<definition>The <term>Turing Test</term> is to this day the standard test for determining whether a computer is truly intelligent. This test has yet to be passed. </definition>
<definition>The <term>Turing Machine</term> is an abstract finite state automaton with infinite memory that can be proven equivalent to any any other finite state automaton with arbitrarily large memory. Thus what is true for a Turing machine is true for all equivalent machines no matter how implemented. </definition>
<name><last_name>Turing</last_name></name> was also an accomplished <profession>mathematician</profession> and <profession>cryptographer</profession>. His assistance was crucial in helping the Allies decode the German Enigma machine. He committed suicide on <date><month>June</month> <day>7</day>, <year>1954</year></date> after being convicted of homosexuality and forced to take female hormone injections. </biography> 上面的例子我不作解释,但是你要知道他是一个合法的xml文件,也就是说标记和内容可以混排。但是这样格式的xml文件在程序的处理上就很麻烦,所以不推荐使用。