'del.vbs option explicit dim message,result dim title,text1,text2 message="请输入要删除帖子的ID" title="帖子删除" text1="你取消了操作!" result =inputbox(message,title,"请输入要删除帖子的ID") if result ="" then Wscript.echo text1 elseif isnumeric(result)=false then Wscript.echo "请输入正确的ID!" ElseIf trim(cint(result))<>trim(result) then Wscript.echo "请输入正确的ID!" Else dim result1 result1=msgbox("你确定要删除帖子"&result&vbcrlf&"这一操作将删除帖子本身及帖子的所有子贴",48+1+256,"按 确定 删除,按 取消 放弃!") if result1=vbok then dim conn Set conn = Wscript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Open"driver={sql server};server=;uid=11;pwd=11;"&"database=11;" dim sql,rs,sql2,rs2,sql3 sql="select rootid,deep,ordernum from bbs where mianid ="&cint(result) set rs=conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then if rs(0)=0 then sql3="delete bbs where rootid="&result&" or mianid= "&result else sql2="select top 1 ordernum from bbs where rootid="&rs(0)&" and deep<="&rs(1)&" and ordernum >"&rs(2)&"order by ordernum " set rs2=conn.execute(sql2) if not rs2.eof then sql3="delete bbs where ordernum >="&rs(2)&" and ordernum < "&rs2(0)&" and rootid="&rs(0) else sql3="delete bbs where ordernum >="&rs(2)&" and rootid="&rs(0) end if end if dim introws conn.execute(sql3),introws if introws >0 then Wscript.echo "删除成功 !" else Wscript.echo "删除失败 !" end if else Wscript.echo"你要删除的帖子不存在!" End if else Wscript.echo "你放弃了删除!" end if end if