Unit main;
Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, RXShell, StdCtrls; Type TZoomDirection = (ZoomFormOpen, ZoomFormClosed);//枚举类型 Type TFormMain = Class(TForm) TrayIcon1: TRxTrayIcon;//Rx组件里的系统栏图标控件 Label1: TLabel; Procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure TrayIcon1DblClick(Sender: TObject); Private Procedure OnMinCmd(Var Message: Tmessage); Message WM_SYSCOMMAND; //捕获消息 Procedure FrmZoomToTray(Frm: TForm; Direction: TZoomDirection); //产生窗体从系统工作区中进入或出来的动态效果子过程 Public { Public declarations } End; Var FormMain: TFormMain;
{$R *.DFM}
Procedure TFormMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject); Begin ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);//消除任务栏显示 End;
Procedure TFormMain.OnMinCmd(Var Message: Tmessage); Begin If (Message.WParam = SC_MINIMIZE) Then //如果是最小化消息 Begin TrayIcon1.Active := True; //显示图标 FrmZoomToTray(FormMain,ZoomFormClosed); FormMain.Hide; //隐藏窗体 Exit; End; Inherited; //让窗体处理其它消息 End;
Procedure TFormMain.FrmZoomToTray(Frm: TForm; Direction: TZoomDirection); Var TrayWnd: HWND; sClassName: Array[0..255] Of Char; xFrom, xTo: TRect; Begin If (Direction = ZoomFormClosed) And (Frm.Visible = False) Then Exit; If (Direction = ZoomFormOpen) And (Frm.Visible = True) Then Exit; TrayWnd := FindWindow('Shell_TrayWnd', Nil); TrayWnd := GetWindow(TrayWnd, GW_CHILD); Repeat GetClassName(TrayWnd, @sClassName, 255); If StrPas(sClassName) = 'TrayNotifyWnd' Then Break; TrayWnd := GetWindow(TrayWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); Until TrayWnd = 0; Case Direction Of ZoomFormOpen: Begin GetWindowRect(TrayWnd, xFrom); xFrom.Left := (xFrom.Right - (xFrom.Right - xFrom.Left) Div 2); xFrom.Right := xFrom.Left + 1; GetWindowRect(Frm.Handle, xTo); DrawAnimatedRects(Frm.Handle, IDANI_OPEN Or IDANI_CAPTION, xFrom, xTo); End; ZoomFormClosed: Begin GetWindowRect(Frm.Handle, xFrom); GetWindowRect(TrayWnd, xTo); xTo.Left := (xTo.Right - (xto.Right - xTo.Left) Div 2); xTo.Right := xTo.Left + 1; DrawAnimatedRects(Frm.Handle, IDANI_CLOSE Or IDANI_CAPTION, xFrom, xTo); End; End; End;
procedure TFormMain.TrayIcon1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin TrayIcon1.Active := False; FrmZoomToTray(FormMain,ZoomFormopen); FormMain.Show; end;
End. |