在Windows应用程序中,对话框是应用最广泛也是比较难控制其风格(外表)的一类窗口。相信用过Windows 的朋友在享受其强大功能的同时,一定也为它所提供的具有立体感的界面而感叹吧。通常情况下,对话框的弹出和消隐都是瞬时的,下面将介绍如何实现对话框的动画弹出和消隐,增强程序的美观性。
CPoint point; int nWidth,nHeight; int dx,dy; int dx1,dy1;
BOOL CFlashDlgDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CRect dlgRect; GetWindowRect(dlgRect); CRect desktopRect; GetDesktopWindow()->GetWindowRect(desktopRect); MoveWindow( (desktopRect.Width() - dlgRect.Width()) / 2, (desktopRect.Height() - dlgRect.Height()) / 2, 0, 0 ); nWidth=dlgRect.Width(); nHeight=dlgRect.Height(); dx=2; dy=4; dx1=2; dy1=2; SetTimer(1,10 , NULL); return TRUE; }
void CFlashDlgDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default CRect dlgRect; GetWindowRect(dlgRect);
CRect desktopRect; GetDesktopWindow()->GetWindowRect(desktopRect);
if(nIDEvent == 1) { MoveWindow( (-dx+desktopRect.Width() - dlgRect.Width()) / 2, (-dy+desktopRect.Height() - dlgRect.Height()) / 2, +dx+dlgRect.Width(), +dy+dlgRect.Height() );
if(dlgRect.Width() >=nWidth) dx=0; // do not over grow if(dlgRect.Height() >=nHeight) dy=0; // do not over grow if((dlgRect.Width() >=nWidth) && (dlgRect.Height() >=nHeight)) KillTimer(1); //Stop the timer }
if((dlgRect.Width() >=nWidth) && (dlgRect.Height() >=nHeight)) KillTimer(1); //Stop the timer
if(nIDEvent == 2) { MoveWindow((+dx+desktopRect.Width() - dlgRect.Width()) / 2, (+dy+desktopRect.Height() - dlgRect.Height()) / 2, -dx1+dlgRect.Width(), -dy1+dlgRect.Height() );
if(dlgRect.Width() <= 0) dx1=0; // do not over grow if(dlgRect.Height() <= 0 ) dy1=0; // do not over grow if((dlgRect.Width() <= 0 ) && (dlgRect.Height() <=0)) { KillTimer(2); //Stop the timer CDialog::OnOK(); }
CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
好了,对话框的动画出现和消隐实现了,运行程序我们会发现对话框平滑的划出,关闭程序我们会发现对话框平滑的消失。 |